Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Three Good Reasons to book on 'The Sick to your Stomach' workshop

1.Get the most from your second brain -

Did you know the gut has more nerve endings than the brain, and that the gut responds to all different ‘feeding’ (taste, smell, sight, hearing, and stress) messages entering your body and relays back to your brain and body! Learn how and why

2. Unravel the cause from the symptoms -
The three main causes of disease are: Nutritional deficiencies, Toxicity and Stress. These can all manifest in a myriad of symptoms, that we all see in our practices. In the 'Sick to your stomach'  workshop we will share effective tools to assess and understand the root of the symptom(s) or disease.

3. Discover simple tools to use for treatment -

Learn to use Food, Sleep, and Movement as important medicine, as well as a tool to augment or support any treatment.

Course details:
Date/time: Saturday June 8th 2011, 10am to 6pm
Location:The Therapy Room, 25 Oxford Rd, Cambridge CB4 3PH.
Cost: £95, including refreshments, payable in advance. Payment will be required to book your place.
Please make cheques payable to ‘Damien Clements’ or phone 01223 315400 to make payment by debit or credit card.
Book your place by phone (01223 315400) or mail at the above address, there is a maximum of 15 students!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

A health practitioners guide to the gut

Feeling gutted, galled, having a gut feeling, no guts no glory, can’t stomach it...
Not only common phrases in the English language that describe a feeling somewhere in our gut or digestive system, but feelings that can be felt emotionally and physically that we can all relate to having experienced in our lives. The gut is the point of entry for anything we eat and drink, and serves as a barrier between our inner and outer environments. Just as it allows entry of nutrients, it also protects us against toxins and infections. Thus, it is not surprising that the gut has a major role in health and disease, and many occurring health problems may be related to our diet, toxins or the functioning of our intestines. 
If you are a health care professional in complementary or traditional medical practice, we invite you to an exciting new one day course:
'Sick to your Stomach'
A health practitioners’ guide to functional physiology, assessment, and treatment.
Wednesday, June 8th 2011
10am -6pm

The course will involve exploration of our own gut communication in theory and practice, as a foundation to enable the effective assessment and guidance of our clients and patients. We will also provide tools to aid in assessment and treatment, case studies and opportunities to work with fellow students in practicing in the use of these tools.
Questions that will be addressed are:
·         What does the gut do, besides delivering our food and transiting the waste out?
·         Why and how does it deliver messages to other organs and body systems including our brain?
·         Why is the gut important to overall health?
·         Can it really be related to seemingly unrelated disorders, like back pain, autism, depression, and many others?
·         How can I assess whether my client or patient has a gut related issue that is the cause or the block to their healing?
·         What can I do to help if they do have a gut issue?
This current course is the first of a series which will address allergies, chronic fatigue, menopause, weight loss.

The course is being led by:
Damien Clements BSc Hons, Certified Nutritionist, CHEK Practioner, CMTA
With more than twelve years of experience as an Exercise, Diet and Lifestyle Coach and working in the sports science field, Damien has helped many clients resolve the problems your clients might be currently experiencing - from back pain to chronic fatigue. His focus is on treating the person and not the symptom or problem that they are diagnosed with, but ascertaining the blocking factors to achieving improved function, and the root cause of the dysfunction.
As a CHEK Practitioner, and a clinical nutritionist he is uniquely qualified in the area of corrective exercise, and holistic health.
He make use of a comprehensive set of assessment tools including lab testing, and screening designed to uncover the underlying or root cause (Functional Health care). He works with a number of highly skilled professionals and together their aim is to help and support clients to achieve their health goals.
He currently runs workshops for the general public, on stomach problems, and has run courses on holistic assessment and treatment of back and joint pain.
Dr. Peter J Voshol
Peter is a scientist at the University of Cambridge with more than 15 years of experience in Integrative Physiology and Medicine. He received his PhD in medical sciences/physiology at the University of Groningen, NL. His interest is to integrate his expertise on nutrient metabolism and whole body physiology in the field of Obesity and Diabetes. He worked at the Leiden University Medical Center, NL and the Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, USA and has published more than 70 highly ranked papers. Currently, he is a Senior Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Disease Model Core, Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge UK.
Besides being a scientist Peter is a student at the Taoist-based International Oriental College in Amsterdam and a qualified Wudang Health Sport Instructor. He gives classes in Fitness, Taiji (Tai Chi) and Qigong and is a qualified Chinese Chair Masseur. Furthermore, he learned from several Shamanic teachers in the Netherlands, UK and USA and uses this knowledge to enhance people’s Awareness of Being. He organizes and gives lectures/classes/workshops in Awareness and Shamanic Drum and Sacred Tool making. He is one of the initiators of ‘The Nature of Being’, a centre for Awareness and Being. During the workshop Peter will share his understanding of combining Western and Holistic knowledge.
Personal webpage: www.thenatureofbeing.co.uk

Course details:
Date/time:          Wednesday June 8th 2011, 10am to 6pm
Location:              The Therapy Room, 25 Oxford Rd, Cambridge CB4 3PH.
Cost:                      £95, including refreshments, payable in advance. Payment will be required to book your place. Please make cheques payable to ‘Damien Clements’ or phone 01223 315400 to make payment by debit or credit card.
Book your place by phone (01223 315400) or mail at the above address, there is a maximum of 15 students!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011