Friday 8 February 2013

Building A Better Plate of food

A ‘Build a better plate’ – workshop will be held the 23rd of February at the Therapy room in Cambridge. It will look at the common misconceptions we have about calories, what they really are, the misunderstanding of the fat in our food versus fat in our body looks and carbohydrates and protein why we need or don’t need it. The practical applications can lead to weight loss, more energy, disease prevention and a healthier skin, but what it is really about is health and wellbeing. Using the understanding of ‘Building a better plate’ will lead to a better you and a healthier you. This type of eating but not dieting helps our body function. This is where we start to see change happening without even really trying, keeping the focus on, you using food, and not, food using you. This ‘New’ way of looking at food, makes you be able to make choices. We can only make informed choices when we know what the choices are, ‘Build a better plate – workshop’ is a practical guide to those choices. The information overloaded environment we live in TV, magazines and internet perpetually tells us WHAT to do, with an obesity epidemic forming and chronic diseases steep on the rise it clearly shows that this simply does not work. By knowing WHY we should eat this or drink that or why not, you can make those informed choices, bringing back that freedom in your life that you control your health, losing weight whilst maintaining health, or simply getting that feeling back of energy when you wake up in the morning.
Build a better plate – workshop
Saturday 23rd of February
11:00 – 13:00
£5 for Cambridge Bootcamps or The Therapy room clients, £10 for non-clients
Limited space available to booking is recommended.

Call or Email: Robert Tempelaar 07519110326, [email protected]
The Therapy Room 01223 315400

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