Friday, 5 February 2016

Alexander Technique

Introduce balance, calmness & confidence into your life...

I was born and brought up in Japan and have spent my adult life as an actor.
But one of the things I discovered most strongly was the relationship between my mind and body.
I first encountered the Alexander Technique during my theatre training and it changed my relationship with my art, with my fellow performers and with the world.
So I decided to share what I could learn from this revolutionary technique with others and undertook full time training in Alexander Technique.

What is Alexander Technique?
An Alexander Technique lesson is a one to one experience of finding your centre by which you learn to prevent harmful and unnecessary tension and stress which cause back, neck and shoulder pain resulting in migraine, sleeplessness and breathing problems.

Do you remember as a child... You played joyfully, freely and happily without any aches and pains.
When and how did this change?
Is it just because you are becoming older?
As we grow up we build harmful habits of unnecessary tension.
Stress interferes with our natural balance causing stiffness and pain.
The Alexander Technique is a unique way to recognise unwanted patterns and understand how to change them.
We can gain our original freedom of movement, to re-acquire balance and remove discomfort. 
You can learn the Alexander Technique at any age from childhood to maturity, progressing at your own pace.

What kind of benefits can be expected from Alexander Technique?
At first the benefits are obviously physical.
Muscular & skeletal problems resulting in backache, chronic conditions such as arthritis & rheumatism are addressed.
Many of us in this busy life suffer from headaches and worse still from migraine.
So many of us spend many hours a day in front of the computer screen or crouched over a tablet or a smartphone.
In these fixed position we suffer restricted breathing, eye strain and stiff neck and  back.
Alexander Technique can also help with breathing problems such as asthma and speech defects.
It is particularly helpful in rehabilitation after surgery, illness or injury.
But Alexander Technique works in a more subtle way with psychological problems such as stress-related disorders - nervousness and panic attacks and hyperventilation.

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